General Information

Situated in Tyrol, between the Zillertaler and the Tuxer Alps, to be more precise, at the end of the Zillertal, you will find a veritable paradise.

You will find yourself at an altitude between 850 and 1.500 metres, with the peaks of the Alps soaring above you up to 3.250 metres. The holiday paradise Tux-Finkenberg has six small villages: Finkenberg, Tux-Vorderlanersbach, Tux-Lanersbach, Juns, Madseit and Hintertux. Together they offer a world of unspoiled natural beauty, health, Alpine views, sporting adventure and family holiday fun – in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Situated in the west of Austria, Tyrol, Tux-Finkenberg is not far from the famous attractions in the Alps. The Nature Ice Palace on the Hintertuxer Gletscher, the Kristallwelten of Swarovski, the Olympic City of 1964 and 1972, Innsbruck and Kufstein with its castle, everything can be reached in a day trip.

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